Date:         Sun, 16 Jun 1996 09:07:21 -0500
From: David Eaton 
Subject:      This Week's Trick of the Trade
Hi everyone,
This week's Trick of the Trade answers the question proposed last week. How do you decrease bacterial load:
1. Water changes, of course, is the most practical and probably the best way to do it.
2. Improved filtration(biological). Essentially, you want MORE good bacteria, and Less bad. This can be accomplished by rinsing sponge filters that are CLOGGED, improving your pH range where beneficial bacteria thrive(pH probably >5.0 or so), and making sure you have the right amount of air running through your sponge filter.
3. Watch your feeding habits; promptly remove any uneaten food. This includes any decaying matter in the tank(plants, etc.).
4. Wipe the scum off the glass, including objects in the tank. Note that this may be less practical in a planted or heavily decorated tank.
5. Optimize your fish to water ratio. One adult Discus to every ten gallons at the least.
6. UV sterilizer. Impractical in most cases.
7. I would never recommend antibiotics to decrease bacterial load in a tank where the discus are NOT showing signs of disease.

Good luck,
David Eaton
Southeastern Discus